Building Your Capsule Working Wardrobe

Before I trained as an image consultant, I spent more years than I care to remember in a corporate environment. I worked in recruitment and sales management so I know how important the way we present ourselves can be to our professional success. Different professions and companies have different dress codes of course but, as…

Prilosec / omeprazolo e come è diverso da Zantac / ranitidina?

Prilosec (omeprazolo) è fornito come a rilascio ritardato capsule- l’ingrediente attivo è un benzimidazolo sostituito, 5-methoxy2 – [[(4-metossi-3, 5-dimetil-2-piridinil) metil] sulfinil] 1 H -benzimidazole, un composto che inibisce la secrezione gastrica . Omeprazolo è un bianco a biancastro polvere cristallina che fonde con decomposizione, è una base debole ed è molto poco solubile in acqua.…

Is the LB17 Probiotic Capsule Your All in One Solution?

Studies are showing that probiotics have many health benefits. Once you recognize that probiotics benefits are specific to each distinct strain of bacteria, would it not make good sense to get a probiotic “super” pill containing the largest number of active probiotic strains in order to maximize the benefits? Even as its particular brand name…

Looking at a Time Capsule

In my decades old pursuit of a hobby I have built a library of old magazines going back many years. The other day I had reason to look up something I remembered reading years ago. Trying to find that article was like looking at a time capsule as I thumbed through twenty-five year old issues.…