Our Genes are Not Our Fate

While it has become generally accepted that our lifestyles play a role in health and disease, most people believe that the ultimate determinant of longevity resides in their genes. Whenever I have asked a patient how long he or she expects to live, their first instinct is to say, “Well, my mother died at age…

How to Cure Asthma

What is the difference between God and a Doctor? God doesn’t think that he is a doctor. How do you tell the difference between a Doctor and a banana? If the banana doesn’t go rotten in 14 days then it isn’t a doctor. According to your doctor asthma is incurable, or as your Doctor learned…

All You Need to Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism

Osteoarthritis, the most common chronic arthritis, accounts for half of all cases. Inflammation may occur, but OA is generally considered a non-inflammatory type of arthritis – referred to as degenerative joint disease or “wear-and-tear arthritis”. Osteoarthritis (OA) is most prevalent in the aged and is probably related to the normal aging process (although it is…