How Much Does an Amber Cost?

The price of amber is determined by the different life forms which are found in the stone. Intact insects, plants, flowers etc will increase the value of amber and these stones will be highly priced. Typically, an amber necklace with say, a trapped dragonfly, will have a high price and will enjoy a heavy demand…

Permanent Orgasm Denial FAQ

Permanent orgasm denial is a hot topic — in more than one sense of the word, too. First, it’s hot because in the male chastity community it’s often considered to be the “holy grail”, and something a surprisingly large number of men aspire to. And it’s hot because the thought of having a man wanting…

How to Prevent and Treat Popeye in Your Betta Fish

If you have ever woke up to your siamese fighting fish staring back out at you all bug-eyed, you are not alone. Congratulations. Your Betta fish has something known as exophthalmia aka Popeye. And the new bug-eyes that your betta is sporting is the symptom of two potential problems: mycobacterial infection (which is easily treatable)…