Compression Stockings Increase Blood Circulation

Physicians recommend compression stockings for patients experiencing edema and vascular problems. There are several types of stockings that aid in patient recovery. Designed to increase circulation and reduce swelling in the legs, they are excellent for patients experiencing chronic venous problems. Different Types Compression hose, compression socks, knee-high, pantyhose and thigh-high are different types of…

Should You Take Vitamin Supplements When You Are Under Treatment With An SSRI Anti Depressant Drug?

SSRI drugs are used mainly in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders though they also used for some off-label indications such as pre-menstrual disorders, and menopausal and post-menopause problems. The term ‘SSRI’ is abbreviation for ‘selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor’. Some of the common SSRI dugs are Lexapro, Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft, and Effexor among others.…

Investigations and Diagnosis of Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Bronchiogenic carcinoma should be considered in the diagnosis of all respiratory disorders. Malignancy can mimic virtually all common pulmonary diseases such as tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Lung abscess, atelectasis, localized emphysema, Pleural effusion etc. So how can we give a detailed or differential diagnosis to single it out? Investigations Radiological findings: Radiological findings may be protean. The…

Toenail Rot: Toe Nail Fungus and How to Treat It

You can see why people call it “toenail rot,” even though that is not the correct medical term for the condition. Nail fungus can make your toe nails and even your fingernails look like they are rotting away when the nails turn an unsightly yellow and become unnaturally thick. An infection of the nails by…

The 5 Golden Rules for Using Antibiotics Effectively

The Wise use of antibiotics The antibiotic period has been a golden era in health care. Before antibiotics a simple cut or sniffle was serious and often life threatening. Consumption (tuberculosis) was rampant and during World War I disease and infection (and not the battle wound itself) were the primary causes of death. With the…