The Best Algae Predator For Your Fish Tank

It is really important to clarify a general misconception found among many people regarding the best algae predators for their fish tanks. Most of them do not have much knowledge of the true problem and that is “the type of algae in the tank” and so they blindly go to fetch the general plecostomus (a…

12 Amazing Bluetooth Facts

Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows personal computers, laptops, cell phones and other electronic enables devices to communicate with each other over short distances of about 10 meters to transfer information/files from one device to another. It uses radio waves and is designed to be a secure and inexpensive way of connecting and exchanging…

Six Best Christmas Games For Groups

Christmas! The season which celebrates the birth of Jesus; when we spend time with family and friends, indulging in too much good food, and attending endless parties. It’s a time of great joy yet it can also be a time of great stress. One of these stresses may be the organisation of a church, office…